Monday, September 29, 2014

Constitutional Issues - Boston Marathon Bombing

The suspect and the accused for the Boston Marathon bombing is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. 
A Miranda Warning is the right to give suspects a warning before being questioned and taken into custody. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was not given a Miranda Warning because police felt the evidence was too overwhelming to just be given a warning to.

In Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's case, the death penalty was considered although Massachusetts does not have the death penalty as a punishment. More evidence and information needs to be revealed before people contemplate the death penalty.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his brother, Tamerlan were reported to have unregistered guns with them. Massachusetts also have precise gun laws people have to follow.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been a citizen of the United States for a year now but his brother, Tamerlan Tsaraev was applying for a citizenship but it has been delayed. It was reported that the department of Homeland Security postponed it when they had figured out that Tamerlan was interviewed by Russian Government back in 2011. 

The brothers were spotted through security camera footage and other types of video images. A special type of video device was also used to find that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was in a boat. According to the court, it has violated the Fourth Amendment which is that people cannot unreasonable search people's homes without a warrant.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Compromises Blog Assignment

The Great Compromise of 1787 was a settlement between the delegates of the Constitutional Convention. It was an argument on how many new branches the government would be having. There were two plans: The Virginia Plan and The New Jersey Plan. The Virginia plan suggested that we have a two house national legislature. The amount of representatives would be based off the population which makes the larger states with an advantage and the smaller states with a disadvantage. The New Jersey Plan was an opposition to the Virginia Plan. They wanted equal representation for each state and for it to be elected by state legislatures. The Great Compromise merged these two ideas together. It created a branch made up of 2 houses and regardless of size, each state would receive the same number of representatives. People did not know whether to count slaves in the population or not so the delegates came up with the Three-Fifths Compromise. This means that three fifths of the state's slave population would be counted when the representatives are chosen. In the end, the Constitution was made.

On September 1787, the United States Constitution was approved by the convention. The Constitution created three separate branches to divide the government power. It was divided by legislative, executive, and judicial branch. Each branch has a specific job they have to hold and certain types of authorities they have to fulfill. The legislative branch makes laws. The executive branch carries out the laws and the judicial branch interprets these laws.

Declaration Of Independence

Declaration of Independence

Thomas: So me and my people want independence from the British Empire
George: Ok
Thomas: Really?
George: Just kidding
Thomas: But it's our right!!! We want to create a new government to secure our safety later on!!!!
George: You need to chill
Thomas: We can't buy or sell anything in Boston because you forbid it, you only make the army do what you say and not the government, that makes no sense whatsoever, and worst of all!!! You taxed us without our consent!!!!
George: And??? I see nothing wrong
Thomas: We'll be going on strike and dumping all the tea into the harbor. Just you wait.
George: Please, like you can do that
Thomas: I sure can
-a few days later-
George: Ok fine you can buy or sell anything you want in Boston, I'll try to make the army better, and I won't tax you anymore. Are we clear?
Thomas: Thanks you're true

Declaration of Independence Wiki

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

French and Indian War

  •  The French and Indian War took place in 1754-1763
  • Fought between British America and New France
  • Both were fighting for Ohio land
  • War ended by signing the Treaty of Paris on February 10, 1763 and British won