Monday, October 20, 2014

War of 1812 & SSB

The War of 1812 happened because: 
July 1805 - the British were interrupting the American trade
January 1806 - the British get a hold of the American ships and vessels

June 1812 - Americans declared war on the British on impressment 
December 1814 -  A peace treaty called Treaty of Ghent was signed by both parties which ended the War of 1812

Background Knowledge of Star Spangled Banner:
The Star Spangled Banner was written by Francis Scott Key. He wrote this song because of the Battle of Fort McHenry during the War of 1812. This song is to cherish how the American flag still stood through the disastrous fight. 

Rewrite of the Star Spangled Banner: 
Look at that light in the sky
We proudly look at it glowing
Those red stripes and illuminating
stars standing through war
We watched the battle over the wall in which the flag was still waving
Fires are shot and bombs exploding
Through all of this, the flag still stood
That is one tough flag
Our land is of liberty and courage

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Great Journey Through Lowell

#2 Journal Entry
October 8th, 2014 Noon
There was an early release at school today. I went to eat at Wings Over Lowell with three of my friends. We walked there together and we walked along Market St. We passed many restaurants and food chains. Numerous kids were walking around the area. It was sunny, windy, and 70 degrees.

#3 Journal Entry
October 9th, 2014
I walked back home from school. I went passed the Pollard Memorial Library. I also went passed Market Basket which is on Fletcher St. Continuing down that road, I walk pass the Stoklosa Middle School. Going up a hill and taking a left, I arrived home. It was sunny, breezy, and 65 degrees.

#5 Journal Entry
October 11th, 2014
I went grocery shopping today with my sister at Stop and Shop on Chelmsford St. She drove across a long bridge that was over a river. We passed by an animal cemetery. There was a good amount of people at the store when we arrived. It was raining, very cold, and 46 degrees.

I think it would be difficult to keep a journal for a long period of time because people are very busy people and have no time to write down what happened in their day. Also, people may not remember exactly what they saw. Personally, I would not enjoy writing down a journal everyday because I don't think it'll be needed in the future anyways so I think there is no point.

Map of Lowell

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Journal Entries

#1 Journal Entry
October 7th, 2014 Morning
When I came to school today, I passed by the Pollard Memorial Library. I came to school with my neighbors because they also attend Lowell High. We did not walk to school, instead, we rode in a car in which my neighbor's father was driving. Many buses were on the road since other children attend school at this hour too. The weather is partly sunny, 54 degrees.

#2 Journal Entry
October 8th, 2014 Noon
There was an early release at school today. I went to eat at Wings Over Lowell with three of my friends. We walked there together and we walked along Market St. We passed many restaurants and food chains. Numerous kids were walking around the area. It was sunny, windy, and 70 degrees.

#3 Journal Entry
October 9th, 2014
I walked back home from school. I went passed the Pollard Memorial Library. I also went passed Market Basket which is on Fletcher St. Continuing down that road, I walk pass the Stoklosa Middle School. Going up a hill and taking a left, I arrived home. It was sunny, breezy, and 65 degrees.

#4 Journal Entry
October 10th, 2014
I walked to school today instead of riding in a car this time. I walked with my friend and her little brother. It was pretty dark then the sun came in front of the clouds. We passed by many houses and apartments. A lot of kids were waiting at the bus stop. It was very cold and 41 degrees.

#5 Journal Entry
October 11th, 2014
I went grocery shopping today with my sister at Stop and Shop on Chelmsford St. She drove across a long bridge that was over a river. We passed by an animal cemetery. There was a good amount of people at the store when we arrived. It was raining, very cold, and 46 degrees.

I think it would be very difficult to keep a journal for a long period of time because I have homework and I am a busy child. I also cannot remember things very well. I would not enjoy it because it would interfere with my priorities.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Lewis and Clark

Thomas Jefferson wanted to explore his newly purchased land from the French so he chose Lewis and Clark to take on this expedition. Jefferson wanted to find new water routes so goods could be exported out.

Route of Lewis and Clark

May 14, 1804
Lewis and Clark sailed down the Mississippi River. They settled down on a ledge and camped there.

Sailing the Mississippi

March 27, 1806
Indians were friendly towards Lewis and Clark. They gave them food and hunted for animals like elk and deer. Lewis and Clark continued onto their journey and passed many islands. They also preserved things like raspberries.

Indians being friendly

May 16, 1804 (My birthday)
Lewis and Clark passed by a hill that mostly contained coal. It had many houses, about 100. People seemed poor, but kind.
 Coal Hill