Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Great Journey Through Lowell

#2 Journal Entry
October 8th, 2014 Noon
There was an early release at school today. I went to eat at Wings Over Lowell with three of my friends. We walked there together and we walked along Market St. We passed many restaurants and food chains. Numerous kids were walking around the area. It was sunny, windy, and 70 degrees.

#3 Journal Entry
October 9th, 2014
I walked back home from school. I went passed the Pollard Memorial Library. I also went passed Market Basket which is on Fletcher St. Continuing down that road, I walk pass the Stoklosa Middle School. Going up a hill and taking a left, I arrived home. It was sunny, breezy, and 65 degrees.

#5 Journal Entry
October 11th, 2014
I went grocery shopping today with my sister at Stop and Shop on Chelmsford St. She drove across a long bridge that was over a river. We passed by an animal cemetery. There was a good amount of people at the store when we arrived. It was raining, very cold, and 46 degrees.

I think it would be difficult to keep a journal for a long period of time because people are very busy people and have no time to write down what happened in their day. Also, people may not remember exactly what they saw. Personally, I would not enjoy writing down a journal everyday because I don't think it'll be needed in the future anyways so I think there is no point.

Map of Lowell

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